Family Fun Day Give Aways
The Raptor Family agrees that spending time with our families is one of our favorite things to do, so we decided we wanted to share that joy with others by giving away the ultimate Family Fun Day Prize Pack!
This month’s Raptor Family Fun Day Give Away includes over $250 in prizes:
- Sky Zone Family Pack
- $100 Olive Garden Gift Card
- $100 Lassus Handy Dandy Gas Gift Card

Like our Facebook page, to stay in the loop about future give-aways, events, and great deals from the Raptor Family.
If you have any questions about the Raptor Family Fun Day Give-Away, please feel free to call us at 260-203-2137.

Congratulations to this month's winner of Raptor Automotive's FAMILY FUN DAY GIVEAWAY! Holly Witherby and her family won the ULTIMATE prize pack to SkyZone, $100 for Gas, AND $100 to Olive Garden! Welcome to the Raptor Family and enjoy! For future giveaway info, Like Raptor Automotive's Facebook page!